Thursday, March 31, 2011

That’s no joke!

I am starting Whole 30 tomorrow, April 1 and that is no joke! This will be the fourth time I have done this! I am armed with new recipes and new goals and more excited for this one then the others! I will also have the support of others from my gym (Crossfit Portland) as many are also making the 30 day commitment.

You can find past stories on my blog about my first Whole 30 experience and also the experience of friends from the gym who did a great question and answer series with me on their own experiences.

If you ever wanted to take the plunge or even thought about doing this join us for the next month!

Post questions to comments and I will try and update the blog more frequently with answers and recipe suggestions and helpful tips to make it through the 30 days!

It is only 30 days…and it might just change your life…actually I know it WILL change your life.



  1. Hey! I'm trying to get CrossFit Woodstock on board for a Whole30 in a few weeks. I did one in January and LOVED the results. I'm glad I can drink wine again though...

    Like your blog and good luck with the Whole30!

  2. Your write-up on the CF PDX site on Friday was perfect! Hope that convinced a few others to give Whole30 a shot.

    You're doing a FANTASTIC job of spreading the good word!

  3. kylie-has CF Woodstock started a 30? Let me know if you need any tips or help! Hope all is well on your side of town!
