Sunday, August 28, 2011

2 Days To Go And Then.....


Here are some recipes we are trying this week in the final days of Whole 30! The recipes were found, as usual, by using chowstalker.



Hot Wings!

Steak with Creamy Mushroom Sauce

Quick Tuna!

So Now What?

I am so proud of the group that took on this Whole 30 challenge. We are just about done, so now what do you do?!?

Well we took 30 days to get here so there is no rush to go out and change anything just yet.

Day 31 should be just like day 30, or day 20, or day 10! Keep up with the parts that were working for you and continue to focus on making healthy food choices.

Just because it is day 31 that does not mean the cream HAS to go back in the coffee! Go about the days after your Whole 30 much like the days of your Whole 30 and make good food choices. Sure now you are "allowed" to have a glass of wine or a piece of chocolate but you don't HAVE to!

When you do venture "off reservation" (as my dad calls it) try and make the best decision you can. Maybe opt for some dark chocolate with quality ingredients over the office candy bowl. Or indulge in a gluten free treat before inhaling an entire loaf of bread or bowl of pasta.

Another important way to look at eating "off reservation" is in relation to the amount of control you have when you do it. A coach I know once explained it like this:

"a treat is something you purposefully set out to have, and when you eat it you are in control. you eat just the right amount but do not over indulge"

"a cheat is when you have no control and you are just eating something because it is there, etc. and you eat too much of it"

More importantly, once you do eat "off reservation" get back on!

After doing a few rounds of Whole 30, I would encourage people to bring items back in slowly and one at a time to really see how your body reacts. Take notes about how you felt before and after and use that information to make the best decision you can going forward.

Below are some links to different articles by Melissa and Dallas at Whole 9 that you might also find helpful! Read them and then read them again!

Congrats to everyone who finished the Whole 30! Nice job!!!

Articles from Whole 9:

Check out the "Homework #2 section for the articles and this page too for some great links to many articles!

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